Fun Facts

Special Dates and Celebrations

Swedish-_Finns flag.svg

Finnish Swedish Heritage Day

November 6 is Finnish Swedish Heritage Day in Finland, which celebrates Finland’s Swedish-speaking population, its history and culture. Swedish, along with Finnish, is an official language of Finland.

The day was established in 1908 and there is a special flag to recognize Swedish-speaking Finns.

It is also Gustavus Adolphus Day in Sweden. The king was killed at the Battle of Lutzen on November 6, 1632.

Click here for more information about Finnish Swedish Heritage Day.

Famous Finnish-Americans

What do actor Matt Damon and General Motors CEO Mary Barra have in common? They both have roots in Finland! You may be surprised to learn of the Finnish ancestry of Americans noteworthy in a range of fields, from academics to the arts. Click here for the Wikipedia List of Finnish Americans.

Blueberry yogurt pie
Blueberry yogurt pie


Finnish Foods

Here is a sampling of Finnish foods that are popular with Finnish-Americans who want to carry on their culinary traditions and stay connected to their heritage. The ingredients and recipes are generally simple, straightforward and fairly healthy.

joulutorttu – Christmas tarts are a light pastry shaped like a pinwheel with a prune or other fruit filling

kahvia – coffee, the beverage of choice for Finns who are the top coffee drinkers in the world

Karelian piirakka – a thin rye pastry filled with creamed rice and topped with egg butter; other filling options include mashed potatoes, salmon or cheese

korvapuusti – cinnamon buns with cardamom

lohikeitto – salmon, leek and potato soup

makkara – sausage, traditionally grilled over an open fire and served after sauna

mustikkapiirakka – blueberry pie

pannukakku – oven baked pancake

pulla – cardamom yeast bread that is usually braided; a must with kahvia (coffee)

riisipuuro – rice pudding

ruisleipä – rye bread

Pea Soup Thursday

Any regular at lunch places in Finland knows what to expect on Thursdays: pea soup is included on the menu. It looks thick and mushy, and, frankly, not all that appetising. However, this mundane dish boasts a grand pedigree. The secret behind its popularity lies in national traditions. Click here to continue reading,…

There are many variations… click here for one recipe for pea soup.


October 4 is “Kansallinen Korvapuustipäivä” (national cinnamon bun day) in Finland.

Korvapuusti transltes to “slapped ears,” and the wrapped yeast bun is flavored with cardamom and filled with brown sugar and cinnamon. 

They’re a hit any time of year!

Click here for more about this tasty tradition.

Click here for one recipe.