ICE by Ulla-Lena Lundberg: A Three-Part Series

November 9, 16 and 23-29

Kökar, Åland archipelago, Finland (Photo by David Wagner)

Join Finlandia Foundation National in this three-part series about ICE, one of the most popular stories in Finland.

IS (Swedish) or JÄÄ (Finnish) was told first in the best-selling novel by Ulla-Lena Lundberg, and then as an opera composed by Jaakko Kuusisto and performed by the Finnish National Opera.

It is the story of a pastor and his young family, new to a community in the rugged Finnish archipelago.

The first two programs, on the FFN YouTube channel, are interviews with the author (November 9) and the composer (November 16), and are free and open to the public. 

The third program, broadcast of the staged opera (November 23-29), will also be complimentary but available only to members of Finlandia Foundation and its affiliated chapters. Members will receive viewing instructions.

To view the trailer for the opera, which was staged in 2019 and 2020, click here.

For more about the series, see the ad below (click to enlarge).


ICE, Part One

A visit and conversation on location in Åland, Finland with Ulla-Lena Lundberg, whose father was a minister in Kökar, her birthplace and summer home. 

She talks with FFN Trustees Hanna Wagner (left) and Betsey Norgard (right) about the remote islands and how—through intersections of fact and fiction—she connects the story of young Pastor Kummel and his family to her own family’s life there.

To become an individual member of FFN so that you may enjoy the exclusive viewing of the opera ICE, as well as supporting FFN and its programs, click here.