Search for Rosolli - 3 results found

Rosolli Recipe

Red Beet and Herring Salad Soile Anderson (at far right) and Eleanor Ostman, the team behind the FFN Lecturer of the Year program “Meet the Finn Cooks,” share the recipe for this colorful and flavorful dish, a traditional part of the Christmas meal in Finland. Click here to watch the video @ YouTube. ROSOLLI Serves …

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Mojakka Recipe

Finnish Beef Stew This beef stew, known as mojakka by many Finnish-Americans, is a favorite dish throughout the cold winter months but especially in celebration of St. Urho’s Day on March 16. Click here for more about St. Urho. Eleanor Ostman (in blue apron) and Soile Anderson are the team behind the FFN Lecturer of …

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Lecturer of the Year 2023

Finlandia Foundation National is pleased to announce Suzanne Matson as Lecturer of the Year. Suzanne is available to appear at FFN chapters from January through December 2023. Suzanne is a Boston-based poet and author of the lauded novel Ultraviolet, and professor of creative writing at Boston College. Suzanne will talk about Finnish identity as a …

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